Diablo 4 in-game map
Diablo 4 in-game map

diablo 4 in-game map

Unfortunately though that cat's outa the bag. Seriously wish the internet could just ban all of these things from it entirely, and make everyone go back to the stone ages of no internet for cheat sheets, guides, etc. Games can't be as fun anymore when everyone's constantly doing this to themselves. You, too, people, need to learn how to stop doing this to yourselves, too. Games need to go back to being more about the journey and way less about the end. Again, stop pushing the fun out of the games in favor of loot maximization. Explore, enjoy, do things, kill stuff get loot. The reason games are actually in a state of decline is because people keep maximizing the freaking fun out of them. Seriously, stop promoting stupid nonsense like this. It gets mega annoying with people maximizing the fun out of games. Why do we promote this one and not mapgenie's? That one is so much better Comment by tanker27 on T12:15:38-05:00 Wow this map is so bad way to overloaded Comment by wallonfire on T11:52:04-05:00

Diablo 4 in-game map