Call of duty civil war cod 2017 civil war
Call of duty civil war cod 2017 civil war

call of duty civil war cod 2017 civil war

There are also various missions in which the player controls other characters. It has a more cinematic storyline interwoven with stories from their point of view. Whereas previous Call of Duty games had a distinctive three-country campaign style, Call of Duty 4 features Marines 1st Force Recon's Sergeant Paul Jackson and British 22nd SAS Regiment Sergeant "Soap" McTavish. and British forces having to deal with a civil war and the terrorist activities of the Ultranationalists and their leader Imran Zakhaev.ĬOD 4: Modern Warfare is unlike any previous installment in the Call of Duty series. The single-player campaign will mainly take place in the Middle East and Russia, with the U.S.

call of duty civil war cod 2017 civil war

There are also nameless characters for the players to control in the course of the storyline. Other prominent characters the players can take control as the story progresses include SAS Captain John Price and Yasir Al-Fulani, the president of an unnamed country in the Middle East.

call of duty civil war cod 2017 civil war

The single-player campaign mirrors current events, with players cast in the role of modern special forces dealing with the terrorist activities of an ultranationalist movement.Ĭall of Duty 4: Modern Warfare has players primarily take on the roles of British SAS Sergeant John "Soap" MacTavish and Sergeant Paul Jackson of the Marine Corps Force Recon in the single-player campaign. Released in 2007, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare brings players of the popular first-person shooter into the battlefield trappings of modern combat, with the appropriate locations, weapons, and tactics of the 21st century. The fourth installment of the mainline Call of Duty franchise, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare moves the timeline past the World War 2 setting of previous games.

Call of duty civil war cod 2017 civil war